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Hopi Ear Candle is a pleasant, non-invasive treatment of the ears used to treat a variety of conditions.
Users of Hopi Ear Candles have reported success in treating:
Balance and inner ear problems
Build up of wax
Ringing in the ears / tinnitus
Hearing difficulties
Sinusitis & other sinus problems
Colds, ‘flu & sore throats
Stress, insomnia, headaches & migraines.
Hopi Ear Candle treatment is also appropriate and recommended for children as young as eight years old, especially in relieving early asthmatic symptoms, hay fever and allergies.
Some techniques that may be used in this treatment are:
Very light placement of hands around your ears to support the Hopi candles
A shortened version of a Shiatsu Facial massage will follow
Hopi Ear treatment benefits may also include:
A true sense of restored balance & harmony
A positive boost of energy and release of stress / tension
A sense of goodness, grounding and well-being
Profound mental and physical relaxation
Better lymphatic drainage & immune system
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